Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Before anything else I'd like to express the fact that I am in fact, without a doubt having a grand time in my life! I absolutely cannot ask for anything more...

Thank you friends and best friends for making it possible! And of course most especially to Nico..I shall not elaborate on the celebration today! :D

Then a few things...

Dear Girls,

If you really really want to get laid... you could just ask you know maybe we can come up with some sort of agreement hehehe. :)

-PIMP/WHORE extraordinaire

Dear Distillery,

It was a freaking wild fun night! I totally passed out in my former boss's kitchen and I had the weirdest alien mutant dream the next day too!


Dear ATI Radeon,

You are a piece of garbage!


Well I guess that's enough for tonight. The internet connection here at the Coupe is CRAPPY! >:D GOOD NIGHT! FEARLESS!!!!!!!!

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