Tuesday, October 15, 2013

So many thoughts this week

Almost 29. 

Thoughts on being 28. I have come here to this age, where my reality has not really settled  into my mind. There are many clouds still in my mind it seems, because of my current physical state. And the most frightening thing however, is realizing that I have not yet dreamed the person who I am to become. And it is not the limitations that I am currently facing that is taxing, but the fury of my soul, and the burning of my mind.

I have taken a look at my life again, and I know I must soon get out of this path. Towards this vision. Into fighting for the ideas that I believe in. Into the dreams I am now realizing. That a person will never truly achieve freedom from his humanity until he has been educated on what this exactly means. What does it mean to be human it is the exercise of consciously knowing oneself. 

Despite the restrain from the responsibilities that I carry, I will try to move towards attaining this goal of liberating my country first, from corruption. 

It is 2013, and it seems the people of the world have yet to be free. To have the freedom to choose what they believe in and that our sins are only true when we cast our dreams aside. 

I must turn towards writing more.


My fears have been mounting and

've been a project manager fr

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